Friday 11 December 2009

"Saw VI" Teaser Trailer Analysis

The music in this teaser trailer is fast, loud and upbeat. This is to reflect the events during the film and suggests that is going to be fast-paced and the audience will gain a rush. The music goes along with the camera movements, which makes the viewer feel like they are being taken along on a ride, although a scary ride as the setting is dim and gloomy, also abandoned, so you feel pretty much alone, however the screaming and shouting suggests many people are going to go through this "tough ride" in the movie.

As the title states "Saw IV", it's a sequel of many before, therefore this trailer is aimed at an audience who will know what to expect, so it hasn't much need to tell the audience about the background, this is why the trailer is made up of computerized images, and only small snippits of the film are displayed on the television screens which the camera passes. However, although the trailer doesn't need to tell the audience about the background story, it still needs to explain to the audience why they should go and see this particular movie, and why it's different to the others in the series of movies. It does this through text and as the camera moves through the building, big writing such as "6 choices", suggesting that there will be dilema in the film. All of the text that appears begins with "6" to really put in the audience's minds that it is all about "Saw IV" and not about any of the others.

The lighting in this trailer is dim, which relates to the mood and genre of the film, and suggests that it contains no happiness, and the dark is always a more frightening setting than the light.

At the end of the trailer it states that it will be realeased on halloween. This suggests to the audience that it's a movie to be afraid of and brings out the horror effect, instead of just stating that it will be released in October, as the audience won't then relate it to halloween. I think this is a good convention to use, as it persuades the thrill-seekers to go and see it as everything is typically more frightening on the night of halloween.

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